Cyberspace Operations

Cyberspace operations is the management and employment of business operations and cyberspace capabilities within the cyber domain consisting of systems, networks, and critical infrastructures. Cyberspace operations is used for collecting, analyzing, storing, disseminating, and managing information and sensitive data. Cyberspace is broken down into three interrelated layers:

  • Physical network
  • Logical network
  • Cyber-persona

At Rivera Group, our team of cyberspace operations professionals is experienced in military cyberspace operations and provide expertise to assist our clients in achieving mission success. To accomplish goals in or through cyberspace, Rivera Group delivers the following services:

  • Cyberspace operations planning and coordination
  • Cyberspace operations capability analysis
  • Cyber intelligence analysis
  • Defensive cyber operations
  • Cyber deterrence
  • Tracking and reporting
  • Preemptive cyber actions
  • Remedial testing

Tools and Technologies

To deliver our client’s the capability to harness the full power of cyberspace operations, our team of experts use the latest tools and technologies including:

  • Industry-standard cybersecurity applications
  • Software applications developed by JHU APL specifically for the U.S. government
  • Dagger. Dagger is a modeling and visualization platform that shows how system failures impact mission status. It is updated with manual or real-time status and is used for mission/system planning, situational awareness during mission execution, and course-of-action analysis. 
  • EAGLE6 Software. This is an innovative cyber intelligence platform designed for enterprise visualization and management. It provides actionable analytics and a comprehensive view of how enterprise systems – composed of hardware, software, people, processes, and business plans – are interdependent to meet mission objectives, adapt to change, and secure critical information in near-real-time. Rivera Group developed and deploys EAGLE6 software to auto-ingest and model enterprise data for quick and accurate cyberspace operations analysis.

Rivera Group identifies, develops, and prioritizes cyberspace operations requirements, processes, and procedures. Our cyberspace operations analysts provide assessments for capability development requirements, the concept of operation documents, and systems architectures. We also address areas of concern for the development of cyberspace capabilities for cyberspace operations.

Benefits and Results

Rivera Group is at the forefront of cyberspace operations analysis, providing innovative services and solutions to meet mission objectives in and through cyberspace. Our knowledge and expertise offer the following benefits to our clients:

  • Deliver a complete and interactive visualization of cyberspace terrain for military leadership to overcome geography challenges
  • Fast remediation of threats ranging from nation-states to natural hazards by identifying, localizing, and prioritizing vulnerabilities and threats
  • Efficient and effective cyber operations planning and execution through intelligence analysis and cyberspace operations impact analysis
  • Provide access and expertise to the latest JHU APL-developed cyberspace technologies, Dagger, and EAGLE6 software
  • Augment the cyber operations staff shortage to sustain critical services by providing professionals with the requisite security clearances and industry certifications to meet and exceed customer requirements

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